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Fantasy Football Mock Draft Trainer

Are you looking to sharpen your fantasy football draft skills for your big draft? Take a minute to check out our FREE Fantasy Football Mock Draft Trainer.

Enter your email. This will be your DS username.
Choose your league’s scoring system for a customized experience

You’ll draft in a simulated mock draft you can complete in minutes — using our unique algorithm to make your mock draft experience challenging and realistic

Draft Shark’s Mock Draft Features

Our mock draft tool is integrated into our Draft War Room, so you’ll also get the experience of using that tool for free.

Pre-Set League Scoring Options

You can customize your mock draft experience to fit your league’s scoring rules and set up. But here’s also a list of all the league pre-set scoring you can access with just one click:

  • FFPC scoring fantasy football mock draft with FFPC ADP
  • ESPN scoring fantasy football mock draft
  • Yahoo scoring fantasy football mock draft
  • CBS scoring fantasy football mock draft
  • NFL scoring fantasy football mock draft
  • MFL scoring fantasy football mock draft
  • RT Sports scoring fantasy football mock draft
  • IDP fantasy football mock draft
  • PPR scoring fantasy football mock draft (.5 PPR, 1 PPR, 1.5 PPR, 2 PPR, 2.5 PPR, 3 PPR, 4 PPR and 5 PPR)
League Sizes Availble

Here’s a list of all the league sizes you can mock draft:

  • 6 team fantasy football mock draft
  • 8 team fantasy football mock draft
  • 10 team fantasy football mock draft
  • 12 team fantasy football mock draft
  • 14 team fantasy football mock draft
  • 16 team fantasy football mock draft
  • 18 team fantasy football mock draft
  • 20 team fantasy football mock draft
  • 22 team fantasy football mock draft
  • 24 team fantasy football mock draft
  • 32 team fantasy football mock draft
Mock Draft Trainer Features

Here are some features from our Mock Draft Trainer that will help you hone your skills and draft strategy:

  • Get instant feedback for each pick
  • Look at our suggested picks and player rankings
  • See the consensus player pick/ranking
  • Undo your picks to see how a different pick would alter your draft strategy
  • Edit picks from other teams to see how it might alter your strategy
  • Setup for Keeper league Mock Draft

Video Transcript

If you wanna win your league’s prize money, you need to draft smarter than your competition.

Insert the Draft Sharks Mock Draft Trainer.

Hone your skills and craft your strategy by mock drafting against our unique computer algorithm using your exact league rules.

You’ll get suggested picks each round -- and feedback on how you’re doing. Once you’ve set up your Draft War Room, you can mock as many times as you want.

Start by entering a username and selecting your basic league scoring. You’ll be able to customize this further using the Edit league settings button.

If you are a DS insider, just click Mock Draft for any one of your teams and you’ll have an instantly customized mock for that league’s EXACT settings.

If you are the first team, just make a pick. Otherwise, click “Start the Draft” to begin

But before doing that, let’s go over some key features we built with you in mind:

First, Along the left, you’ll find the draft log — a rolling list of players and their draft spot.

Players are listed according to 3D Value — or Dynamic Most Valuable Player. This is a unique player score determined by a proprietary algorithm we’ve created and tested. It changes

each time you’re on the clock due to factors like player tiers, ADP, your team needs and more.

To quickly find a player out of view, use the search box. You can also click the All tab for an overall ranking of players, or sort players by position.

The “Show Drafted” toggle allows you to control your mock draft experience. So does the “Customize” icon, where you can add or remove the columns you want.

Below, you’ll find LOADS of information on each player, including bye weeks ... ADP … and projections. Plus, you’ll find icons for values, sleepers, injuries, and risers or


This icon will appear next to a player sharing a bye week with someone on your roster. Handy intel — especially for best ball leagues where you want to avoid taking zeros.

Continuing along — the Floor projection is how low we could realistically see a player finishing, barring injury.

Consensus numbers are an aggregate of 38 other fantasy sites, giving you an idea of which players we’re higher or lower on.

Next, you’ll find our baseline projection — what we believe is most likely for each player.

Finally, the ceiling column — how high that player could climb if everything breaks right. The “Low,” “Medium” and “High” labels give you a quick view of how likely each guy is to

hit his ceiling.

You can sort by any of the 4 projections columns.

Moving on — tiers help you measure the drop off in production among players at the same position.

SOS shows you which players have favorable, neutral, or unfavorable schedules. Higher numbers indicate a more favorable slate.

Injury risk denotes a player’s likelihood to miss at least 2-plus quarters. This is based on our EXCLUSIVE algorithm, one fueled by the industry’s largest and most comprehensive

injury database.

Now, to make a selection — click the green “Pick” button on the right-hand side. Players you select will appear under “My Team.”

You’ll have the ability to flag players and take notes. Just click the star icon, and “Submit.” This will also save a copy in the Draft War Room that’s attached to this league.

As we get into the mid to late rounds, you’ll notice the board automatically toggles to “Upside Mode.” This boosts players who are more likely to “break out” based on the

likelihood of hitting their projected ceilings. Because you wanna swing for the fences when filling your bench.

Not satisfied with the way your board unfolded after a pick? Back up … and make another with the “Undo my last pick” button. When you’re done and ready to mock again, click

“Restart Mock Draft.” This will need to be done before you use the Draft War Room on your draft day.

At any time, you can click over to the “Draft Grid” view. Beyond viewing full results, you’ll be able to edit team names and picks to create different scenarios. You can even mock

draft with keepers. Just make sure this league is marked as “Keeper” on the setup page.

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